Things may have seemed a bit quiet here at Moulded HQ, but we have been working really hard on our Grants for the Arts funding application. We are excited and proud to officially announce that the redevelopment of Ribbet Ribbet Croak is being supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
What does this mean?
After the amazing feedback we received from our audiences in Edinburgh, we wanted to redevelop Ribbet Ribbet Croal to make it even better! We are working with The Makaton Charity to fully integrate Makaton signs and symbols into the production, as well as making the layout, props and set even more accessible for complex needs audiences.
What is Makaton?
Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people communicate. If you want to find out more about Makaton, have a look at their website. You may have seen some Makaton signs on Mr Tumble shown on the BBC, or perhaps a local school uses symbols to help the pupils find their way around.
How is our show accessible?
With the use of Makaton, we hope to engage young children, families and complex needs audiences. Our show is sensory, interactive and very relaxed. We want to make theatre that everyone can enjoy, talk about and get involved with.
So where can you see us next?
Details will be coming up soon, but look out for us at Brixton Library, Discover Story Centre and Cranleigh Arts Centre throughout March and April.
For more info on Discover check out their website:
For more info on Cranleigh have a look here:
And don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram @MouldedTheatre and find us on Facebook!