Performance Workshop: Pieces of a Painter
Moulded developed our Pieces of a Painter workshop from the production of the same name. It is an abstract yet accessible piece exploring themes of problem solving and discovery through art, food and fantasy. The overall aim of the workshop is to provide a platform and stimulus for creative writing. The workshop includes an interactive performance of Pieces of a Painter, providing the participants with a multi-dimensional exploration of our senses through live music, fruit and imaginative play. Our workshop is structured in three parts, with an optional extended classroom project.
Super! The presentation was very appropriate, tactile and interesting. We all really enjoyed it and we’ll see what happens next! - Mrs Jones, Year 1 teacher at Calmore Infant School
Thought provoking. Multiple levels of understanding. Very fun and fast moving. - A Level English Students - Barton Peveril College
Zany, entertaining, created a world that I would like to visit. - A Level English Students - Barton Peveril College